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Refund Policy

  1. Refund Policy: All services rendered by the Company are provided on a non-refundable basis. This includes, but is not limited to professional services fees, fees paid to the Government through the government websites, Challans or directly to the government approved agencies and governmental authorities.
  2. Service Cancellation: Requests to cancel services may be made by notifying us. All requests for service cancellation must be made within 2 days of registering for a particular service. Failure to provide notice within 2 days of registering will result in proceeding further with documents. This clause is not applicable to Search Report and mortgage deed as Search Report is submitted within 24 hours and mortgage deed is submitted within 48 hours of receiving complete documents. Where all services are considered to be provided on a strictly prepaid basis, no prorated or partial refunds will be made. This clause is also not applicable if the challan amount is paid to the Government. The services which are cancelled are subjected to refund of maximum half of the amount, the final decision on amount to be refunded depends on the discretion of Abhita Land Solutions Pvt Ltd. Refund will be initiated within 5-6 working days.
  3. Billing Errors: Customer acknowledges that the Company will make it’s best effort to ensure that all invoices are correctly issued. However, should Customer note any possible errors, Customer agrees to notify our Billing department within 15 days of the issuance of the errant invoice. After 15 days, all invoices will be assumed to be correct, and no further billing adjustments will be made.
  4. Indemnification: Customer acknowledges that in no case will the Company be liable for damages as a result of its own negligence in excess of the charges payable by the Customer for services during the period damages occurred. Customer acknowledges that they make use of Companies’ services and facilities at their own risk.
  5. The above-mentioned Refund policy is not applicable to any kind of Insurance policy availed through Abhita Land Solutions Pvt Ltd.